Dental experiences without fear

What Is Sedation Dentistry Like?

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Does the thought of going in for a dental visit set your teeth on edge? A lot of people have a strong desire to avoid going to a dentist. This is usually because of a bad childhood experience with a dentist who did not specialize in dealing with children. That is why pediatric dentists are so popular today. Whether your dental trauma was caused in childhood or later for some other reason, you probably come up with every excuse you can to avoid going to the dentist.…

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4 Foods That Are Unexpectedly Bad For Your Teeth

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If asked to name some foods and drinks that are bad for teeth, chocolate, soft drinks, and hard candy would likely be among most people’s top answers. However, there are several other foods that are good for our bodies but, surprisingly, not so good for our teeth. If you are paying extra attention to maintaining your dental health, you may want to limit your consumption of these four unexpected tooth decay culprits.…

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